
Attacks on dog shelter ‘unfounded’

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I am writing as a result of the several articles that appeared in

your paper recently about Chihuahua Rescue located in Burbank on Moss


At the outset let me say I believe the attacks upon this

organization and its owner are unfair and unfounded.

Over the past year and a half I have become familiar with

Chihuahua Rescue and Kimi Peck because my daughter has been an active

volunteer at the location.

I have met Kimi personally on several occasions. I have visited

the locations several times. I have even helped out a bit on small

projects for the organization.

It goes without saying that caring for her dogs is her primary


Claims that she “hoards” the dogs is a clear mischaracterization

of the facts. Kimi carefully screens the applications for adoptions.

She insists on home visits and does most of them herself or

delegates that to only the most trusted volunteers.

Kimi is so committed to a “win-win” for the dogs that she will

decline a questionable application instead of letting a dog go into a

questionable environment.

Kimi and her organization have a nationwide reputation for caring

for dogs. I am aware of several “rescues” she has been called on to

participate in to save dogs from terrible fates.

While it is true that her kindness and consideration of the dogs

and her no-kill commitment to those animals, even the sick ones, has

caused her to temporarily take on more than she can handle, she

always does the best for the dogs.

As a side note, it is very hard to take a headcount for so many

little dogs it is no wonder that her recordkeeping is a bit chaotic.

Kimi is making every effort to find a new location for the health

and safety of these dogs.

It will be Burbank’s loss when she leaves the area. And the doggie

kingdom will be the worse off for it too.


