
No day like a snow day

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Bundled-up revelers slid and played in nearly 15 tons of snow brought into Downtown Burbank on Sunday.

At the tail end of the shopping area’s 12 Days of Holiday Cheer events — a stretch of 12 days that included a holiday parade, tree lighting, free food and refreshments — people took advantage of one of the most visible happenings.

“Oh man,” said Gail Stewart, manager of downtown activities and events.

“We had like 1,000 people [at the snow day]. It was crazy. It was great.”

Children were also encouraged to bring their letters to Santa Claus for collection and shipment to the North Pole.

On Monday, the Residence Inn Marriott shared its fireplace with children and parents for a reading of “’Twas the Night Before Christmas.” They provided cookies, apple cider and hot cocoa as well as a visit from Santa Claus.

More than 50 people showed up for the evening, said Martin Monrrigo, assistant general manager of the Residence Inn Marriott.

They also hosted the Burbank Fire Department’s Spark of Love toy drive for the holidays and collected donations.

“It was very successful,” Monrrigo said.

“Very, very nice. We had a good turnout from the community. Everyone really enjoyed it.”

With the middle of the month drawing near and the end of the year only a few weeks away, the 12 Days of Holiday Cheer will come to a close tonight.

“Everything’s been great,” Stewart said.

“More participation than ever with the merchants . . . It’s been really good. We’ve been really happy with it.”

From 4 to 8 p.m., Downtown Burbank has opened up the phone lines to the North Pole with a hotline straight to Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus and their team of elves.

Anyone who calls (818) 238-1999 and gets through has the chance to speak with an elf, Santa’s spouse or the big man himself.

For the rest of the month, Downtown Burbank will also feature holiday-themed entertainment in the AMC walkway on North San Fernando Boulevard, Stewart said.

“It’s different brass groups or Dickens carolers,” she said.

The entertainment, which will be mostly musical groups and roving, costumed carolers on the sidewalks, will continue until the end of December.

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