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Chandler bicyclists aren’t to blame

As a longtime Burbank resident and regular user of the Chandler Bikeway, I was shocked at the Community Commentary by Pamela Lang (“Bikeway needs a speed limit,” Oct. 15) suggesting a “speed limit.”

Having regularly traveled the bikeway, I can safely say I have not encountered any traffic problems.

In fact, it has been the opposite, with bikers always being courteous and giving advanced warning of their approach to pedestrians.

On the rare occasion, I have noticed pedestrians encroaching on the bike side of the path, but by and large, it has always been a very amicable relationship with a mutual respect shown by both parties.

It may be more of a case of the writer having a nervous disposition at the very sight of a biker or roller-blader.

If so, there are quieter and slower-paced walks such as along the sidewalks in the city or the seafront that may be more suited to her.

In the meantime, let us all continue to enjoy the beautiful bikeway in our lovely city without adding another law to the books.

What’s next? A breathing restriction?



No need to clamp down on speed

The Burbank Leader published a letter from Pamela Lang (“Bikeway needs a speed limit,” Community Commentary, Wednesday) in which she calls for a speed limit on the Chandler Bikeway.

She cites an accident in which two cyclists collided with a skater as justification for the speed limit.

I know the cyclists well, and have ridden with them on many occasions.

They have ridden literally tens of thousands of miles, and I know them to be careful, courteous and mature. They are not riding recklessly or at excessive speeds.

The cyclists saw the skater approaching from the opposite direction and moved to the right side in single file, as they often do to provide a margin of safety.

Nevertheless, the skater veered across the centerline and collided with them head-on, resulting in a fractured humerus for one cyclist and a fractured collarbone for the other. The skater said she had not seen either of them, and was able to skate away after speaking with those who came to assist. My friends, on the other hand, will require many weeks to heal.

Given the skater’s comments, the accident most likely resulted from inattention and not from excessive speed. These injuries can occur at the speeds of casual cyclists and skaters, especially in a head-on collision.

Inattentive users can create risks for themselves and others. Dogs and small children can dart suddenly across the path, so they need to be closely controlled. For safety’s sake, all who use the path must mind the pavement markings and be alert, aware and courteous. Then everyone can enjoy this multiuse asset to the community.



Autumn is red enough, thank you

Rather than having a gory slasher show (“Not going without a fright,” Saturday), the Stough Canyon Nature Center should focus on the positive side of fall and have more wholesome activities.

Autumn is the most colorful time of the year. The weather is still sunny, trees are changing color and food is being harvested. It is a time when birds can be seen flying south and fall flowers are in bloom.

So, for that reason, the nature center should encourage fall nature walks, fall photo contests, pumpkin-growing contests and other fall-related nature activities. A German-style Oktoberfest should round it out. The purpose of the nature center should be to educate.


