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Avid walker celebrates 100 years

Laura Gossard of Burbank recently celebrated her 100th birthday with family and friends.

She was born Feb. 3, 1910, in Wayne, Neb. Laura’s family moved to Compton in the mid-1920s. After her graduation from Compton High School, she graduated from Woodbury Business College. She worked as a secretary at Prudential Life Insurance Co.

After meeting A. Lynn Gossard, they married in June 1930. They moved to Burbank in 1935 and had two sons, Thomas and Phillip, who went through the Burbank school system.

In 1946, the couple bought their home in Burbank where Laura still lives today.

They fished and camped regularly in the Sierras. They were married for 55 years until his passing in 1985.

Until well into her 80s, Laura Gossard played badminton at the Olive Recreation Center. When no longer able to play, she took up walking at the Burbank mall and joined Burbank Walkers.

The group threw Laura Gossard a party on her birthday at the DeBell Golf Club restaurant. Twenty-six of these friends, family and her doctor attended.

Granddaughter Kristy Gossard Moore and her husband, Steven, hosted another birthday party for her at their Woodland Hills home.

Assisting with the brunch were Laura Gossard’s great-granddaughters, Ellen and Emily, and other family members.

Among the 70 people in attendance were four generations of her family and two friends whom she has known for more than 80 years. Family members attending came from six states.

Laura Gossard enjoys reading and doing crossword puzzles.

Senior Ticktockers are honored

Nine young women, who are members of the Ticktocker Class of 2010 of the Burbank Chapter of the National Charity League, were honored in February for their volunteer achievements at the annual Senior Presentation at the Sheraton Universal Hotel.

Lacee Benda, daughter of Marlene and Randall Benda, said her time with Charity League has given her experience at planning events and managing her time as well as learning proper etiquette.

Andrea Boutros is the daughter of Leticia and Hani Boutros. Andrea said that Charity League has taught her a lot about communication, helping her understand others’ ideas as well as expressing herself more confidently.

Nicole Coblentz, daughter of Kris and Tony Coblentz, said a memorable experience for her was working alongside her mother and sister at the Braille Challenge, making her more aware of all the different challenges in life.

Amanda Copping is the daughter of Patrizia Copping. Volunteering and helping people has given Amanda a great sense of pride and well being, she said, and she is also happy to have developed special relationships with her classmates.

Alexandra DeGrazzio is the daughter of Patricia and John DeGrazzio. Alexandra said that Charity League has made a lasting impression on her life, making her a more well-rounded person and helping her discover her passion for giving back to others.

Kimberly Kurasz, daughter of Nor and Robert Kurasz, said that her people skills have improved due to her involvement in Charity League and that it has helped her to become more appreciative.

Ashley Ortiz is the daughter of Joan and Steven Ortiz. She said she is grateful for the incredible people she has met, for the friendships she has made and for all that she has learned about herself.

Rachel Raad, daughter of Rilla and Richard Raad, said that her service and involvement in Charity League has truly enhanced her life, giving her new ways to give back to the community she grew up in.

Bree Ann Weist is the daughter of Charlene Tabet and Greg Weist. Charity League has shown Bree Ann that, even with going to school and working, there is still time to help another person out, she said.

Youngster to compete in pageant

Calliope Taylor of Burbank was recently selected to participate in Nationals’ 2010 Miss Pre-Teen Pasadena pageant competition that will take place on Sunday.
