
Father of roaming 2-year-old girl arrested

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DOWNTOWN — A 32-year-old Burbank man was arrested late Thursday on suspicion of child endangerment after authorities found his 2-year-old girl wandering the sidewalk at Orange Grove Avenue and Sixth Street.

Ricardo Garcia was arrested after telling officers that he was unaware his 2-year-old daughter was roaming the streets unsupervised.

Officers were called to the area about 12:30 p.m. Thursday after a letter carrier found the girl, Police Sgt. Darin Ryburn said.

Patrol officers walked the child around the area hoping to find her parents before taking her to police headquarters and contacting the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services.

An officer eventually found the girl’s home about 4:30 p.m. after showing her photo to Garcia, whose home was “filthy and in deplorable condition,” Ryburn said.

Garcia allegedly told police that he fell asleep. County officials interviewed the girl, her 7-year-old sibling and her mother at the police station. They ordered the mother and children not to return to the residence until it was cleaned.

Anyone with information should call Burbank Police Det. Chris Robarts, at (818) 238-3255.
