
Buy plane

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DOWNTOWN — Anyone who wants a roughly half-sized replica of a World War II era biplane has until Sunday put their bid in.

The Burbank Tournament of Roses Assn. is auctioning the decorated biplane from its 2010 Rose Parade entry “Barnyard Aces” on eBay.

Proceeds from the 10-day auction, which ends Sunday, will benefit the construction of the organization’s 2011 float entry, “Centennial Celebration.”

The replica of a Stearman PT-17, at 55% of its actual size, was mounted on the float attached to a 15-foot protruding boom-like apparatus that suspended, rotated and spiraled in simulated flight.

Originally decorated with yellow strawflower, green Ti-leaves and Silver leaf (the Ti-leaves have since been replaced in favor of a more vibrant green) the Model 75 “Stearman” Kaydet helped earn the city of Burbank and the Burbank Tournament of Roses Assn. their first Animation Trophy.

The starting bid for the replica is $500, and as of Tuesday evening, it has no bids.

This is the first year the organization has auctioned off a part of the parade float, and officials hope to recover some of the costs of construction. Members of the association have taken pieces of floats in the past and used them as lawn ornaments, said the group’s president, Bob Hutt.

“Hopefully, a PT-17 collector or aficionado sees it, has to have it and pays much more than the $500 for it,” he said.

The plane’s landing gear has been reinforced from the parade’s configuration, and the wheels are included separately; the propeller is also powered by a fully functional motor. The winning bidder must move the 18-foot-wide plane from the Burbank Tournament of Roses headquarters.

Burbank’s 2011 entry will celebrate 100 years since the incorporation of the city, and the parade will serve as the lead-off event for an entire year of celebration, Hutt said.

The planned design will honor both the businesses and the people who have made an impact on Burbank over the past century.


Those interested can find the plane on eBay using the item search number 200496564328 or the title search “2010 Rose Parade Float Stearman Biplane replica.”
