
Police: Man went on robbery spree

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A 23-year-old Sun Valley man pleaded not guilty Tuesday to committing five street robberies at knifepoint within 30 minutes.

Andy Alvarado was arrested Sunday night after allegedly demanding cash, car keys and even a bicycle from people along the North San Fernando Boulevard corridor.

Beginning at about 7:35 p.m. near North Naomi Street and North San Fernando Boulevard, Alvarado allegedly attempted the first of five street robberies with a knife.

Police say he then moved south on North San Fernando Boulevard before traveling north on Buena Vista Street.

In the span of 30 minutes, Alvarado allegedly attempted the crimes — including an assault with a deadly weapon and a carjacking — in the 2600 block of North San Fernando Boulevard, 2500 block of North Buena Vista Street and 2500 block of North Brighton Street.

Alvarado approached each victim wielding a knife and demanded property and keys from many of the victims, said police Sgt. Robert Quesada.

After chasing a man around his van with a knife in the 2600 block of North San Fernando Boulevard, the tables were turned when the man grabbed an ax handle and chased Alvarado until he fled out of sight, police said.

Then in the 2500 block of North Brighton Street, Alvarado allegedly shoved a man to the ground and demanded his keys. After sustaining what police described as a slight puncture wound from Alvarado’s knife, the man managed to throw a chair from his garage at Alvarado, forcing him to flee down an alley.

Alvarado then allegedly stole a bike from a man at knifepoint while in the 2500 block of North Buena Vista Street.

While searching the area, a police officer detained Alvarado, who matched descriptions given by the victims near North Hollywood Way and the Golden State (5) Freeway underpass.

Several victims identified Alvarado as the attacker.

None of the reports indicated Alvarado was intoxicated in any way, but one victim did mention that he spoke quickly when demanding property, Quesada said.

He was charged in Los Angeles County Superior Court with attempted robbery, attempted carjacking and assault with a deadly weapon. A preliminary hearing was scheduled for Dec. 6.

All stolen property was returned to the victims after Alvarado’s arrest, officials said.
