
Warner Bros. pulls collectible glasses from shelves

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Warner Bros. has decided to recall collectible glasses depicting well-known characters from its films and comic books after a study found they contain dangerous levels of lead.

On Monday, the Associated Press published a study of collectable glassware revealing high levels of lead and cadmium in drinking glasses depicting characters from “The Wizard of Oz” and superheroes from D.C. Comics, which is owned by Warner Bros.

Lead is a carcinogen especially harmful to children, and the Environmental Protection Agency has determined that cadmium is a likely carcinogen.

The study follows findings of high levels of lead in other products geared toward the collectible and children’s market made for companies including Coca-Cola.

In a statement on Monday, Warner Bros. said it believes the products meet federal safety standards, but that the company will stop selling them immediately.

“While test results from an independent facility indicate that the D.C. Comics and ‘The Wizard of Oz’ glasses fall within the legal limits for product safety established by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, we have elected to exercise an abundance of caution and remove the products from sale on and at our retail store here at Warner Bros. Studios,” the company said.

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