
Reusable bags are easier to use

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Once again the 30-plus-year windbag, Los Angeles County Supervisor Mike Antonovich, gets published in the Burbank Leader in his ongoing effort to make it 40 or more years at the public trough (“Not the proper time for a bag ban,” Nov. 24).

A while back, someone gave me some reusable bags. I use them all the time now — easier and more comfortable to handle, hold my groceries better, and don’t cut into my fingers as plastic bags do.

I am 76 years old. Come on seniors, get interested in new and innovative things, especially if they help the environment. It might extend your life and make it more meaningful.

Stop with that “back in the good old days” business. Actually, they weren’t.

Chuck Rutkin


People can adapt away from plastic bags

This is in response to Mike Antonovich’s Nov. 23 letter (“Not the proper time for a bag ban,” Nov. 24).

You wrote: “This is not the appropriate time in our efforts to clean up the environment ...” Really? When exactly is the appropriate time then?

I believe we should have banned the plastic bag eons ago. In fact, we probably never should have started allowing plastic bags to be used.

“Educating our residents on the harm of illegally disposing their plastic bags can be effective,” you go on to say. Again, I say really? Have you not seen litter after a public event? Even though there are signs posted that say “don’t litter”?

What sort of taxpayer money are you planning to use on educating people on the misuse of plastic bag disposal that has not already been put out there?

A few months ago I helped clean up a portion of the Los Angeles River. I would say about half of the trash I collected consisted of plastic bags, the very kind that you think we should keep. Every event I have gone to lately gives out reusable canvas bags, which I keep in my car and use for my grocery shopping.

Look at the bigger picture, Mr. Antonovich: Without plastic bags, they won’t end up in the Los Angeles River on their way to our beaches and landfills.

Give people a little credit. They’ll adapt without the plastic bag and in so doing will aid in cleaning up the environment.

Jeri Anderson

