
Obituary: Eunice Lydia Bergmann

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Eunice Lydia Bergmann, a longtime Burbank resident who was active in charitable causes, died Jan. 20. She was 86.

Born May 21, 1924 in St. Louis, she eventually became a nurse and worked in Chicago, New York City and New Hampshire before coming to Los Angeles.

She became involved in several folk dance groups and an exhibition group for many years. In 1952, she married Linwood Branch and had four children — Norman, Leland, Dale and Tamara — and lived in Burbank for many years.

In 1975, Linwood preceded her in death. She continued working at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles in the operating room until she retired. In 1989 she married Harvey Bergmann and moved to Shadow Hills.

She spent her spare time knitting and crocheting items for charity and also did stitchery pictures. Helping print Braille was also one of her pastimes.
