
Arrow investigation leads police to military

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Police are investigating whether someone now deployed abroad on active military duty may have been responsible for shooting an arrow through an elderly Burbank couple’s home two weeks ago.

An elderly Burbank couple found a 2 1/2-foot-long arrow lodged in their bedroom wall on Jan. 28 after it pierced through a fiberglass panel separating the adjacent property before busting a 3-inch hole in the window.

No one was injured in the incident, which remains under investigation.

“There has been extensive investigation and interviews of people who were present at the time,” said Capt. Denis Cremins, head of the Burbank Police Department’s Investigation Division. “They’ve talked about somebody who may have done it who may have been activated in the U.S. military and may be out of the country right now.”

“We’re following that up as we speak,” he added.

The trajectory of the arrow into the home of Priscilla and Andras Muller in the 700 block of North Buena Vista Street suggests it originated from the adjacent property, but there are reportedly no eyewitness accounts.

The Mullers said they survive on a single Social Security check between the two of them and must wait to repair the window until someone is held responsible.
