
‘Dream Machine’ float nears reality

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The systems check for Burbank’s 2012 Tournament of Roses Parade float is a “go,” organizers said this week.

The mechanical structure of “The Dream Machine” — which features a boy sleeping on his bed on a cloud, dreaming of what he could become — has been mostly completed, paving the way for the important decorating phase heading toward the Jan. 2 parade date.

“He’s dreaming of becoming an astronaut and that dream is picked up by the dream machine,” said Robert Hutt, president of the Burbank Tournament of Roses Assn. “At the end of the float, the boy is dressed in a space suit in a rocket — the dream becomes reality.”

The float is in keeping with the theme of the Rose Parade, “Just Imagine....”

“Last Saturday was our first inspection,” Hutt said, adding that the mechanical inspection included a test drive. “It was completed successfully, there’s nothing major to fix.”

There were a few minor issues, including the need to raise the driver’s seat, he added.

The float’s pyrotechnic smoke feature also was tested to ensure floats following “The Dream Machine” wouldn’t be eclipsed.

“The smoke dissipates pretty well,” Hutt said. “Looks like we’re a go.”

Construction and welding work continue on the float, and in a few weeks, the decorating work begins, Hutt said.

“Dry flowers are coming in early next week and cutting needs to be done,” Hutt said. “All the colored bits get cut off and saved, and then put on the float.”

The process can take up to a couple of weeks, and then painting begins.

Hutt said that between Christmas and New Year’s Day, everyone wants to put flowers on the float, but noted that community volunteers to cut the dry flowers would be welcome.

Those interested in volunteering should call ahead to see what work is available at (818) 840-0060, or visit

On Oct. 25, the final design for “The Dream Machine” will be presented to the City Council, city spokesman Keith Sterling said.

Another float inspection is scheduled for Dec. 10.
