
Police stress crime prevention

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Burbank Police are stressing the importance of prevention to avoid theft and other crimes, noting that nine vehicles were “rummaged through” Tuesday and Wednesday, seven of which were unlocked or had windows down.

The vehicles were in the area of the 600 to 900 blocks of Pass Avenue and Rose Street, police Sgt. Darin Ryburn said.

“Only two vehicles had any indication of forced entry,” he said.

There were no significant losses, police said, noting coins or sunglasses were among the items taken.

“I want to again encourage our residents and business owners to secure their vehicles to prevent occurrences such as this one,” Ryburn said.

Other vehicle thefts and burglaries reported Oct. 4 through Oct. 17 occurred when some of the vehicles were unlocked, Kendrick said. In some cases, windows were smashed or doors pried open. Items stolen include a laptop computer, a wallet, a pair of sunglasses, a GPS device, a backpack and a digital camera. The value of the items ranges from about $30 to $3,600.

In one incident, landscaping equipment, including a lawn mower, was taken from the bed of a truck.

“In most situations, [thieves] are looking into people’s cars, they want to be quick,” Kendrick said. “When they see something sitting out, those are the cars that are hit. We want to encourage people to put their things away and not leave them in plain sight.”

—Maria Hsin
