
Police lawsuit: Gritty details spelled out to court

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Burbank Police Officer Cindy Guillen didn’t want to file a lawsuit, her lawyer told jurors Monday, but was forced to do so after complaints of gender and ethnic harassment within the department were ignored.

In his opening statements in Los Angeles County Superior Court, Solomon Gresen promised to tell Guillen’s full story, from her humble beginnings to fulfilling her dream of becoming a police officer in Burbank.

Gresen described Guillen as an “outstanding police officer.”

“There is no question about the caliber of her work,” Gresen said, adding that Guillen serves as the public information officer to the Spanish-speaking community.

Hired in January 2000, Guillen was the first Latina hired by the department, Gresen said.

Guillen also alleges she faced discrimination among her peers after becoming pregnant and was subjected to harassment for getting married.

Sgt. Tracy Sanchez, following a heated conversation with Guillen, allegedly told her to shut up or he would bend her over and sexually assault her, Gresen said.

Sanchez allegedly made the comment in front of Sgt. Glen Sorkness, who failed to report it, Gresen said.

Sorkness later engaged in “stalking-like behavior” and on multiple occasions allegedly asked Guillen out, Gresen said.

Gresen noted that Sorkness retired before any discipline was imposed and has since died.

The department’s failure to discipline Sorkness affected not only Guillen, but how the department saw her, Gresen said.

“The city doesn’t follow its own rules,” he told jurors.

After Guillen became pregnant in November 2007, former Police Chief Tim Stehr allegedly told her she needed to control her weight gain during her pregnancy. A lieutenant also allegedly said she needed to maintain a proper height-to-weight ratio.

Meanwhile, the city’s defense attorney, Linda Savitt, sought to dispel what she painted as Gresen’s exaggerated portrait of Guillen.

Guillen is “not the first female officer or the first Hispanic officer” at the department, and jurors would see there were plenty of women in the department, Savitt said.

And there are several women in the department with children, Savitt added.

In regard to the alleged Sanchez comment, Savitt said there were inconsistencies in Guillen’s recollection of the comments.

An investigation of Sorkness’ behavior found it was not harassment or discrimination, rather that he “failed to have a proper relationship with officers,” Savitt said, downplaying the importance of the result of the investigation.

“Sorkness was going to be disciplined, but he elected to retire,” Savitt said.

The comments made about Guillen’s height-to-weight ratio were made to all officers supervised by the lieutenant who made the comment to Guillen, Savitt said, adding that the department was focused on maintaining fitness standards.

Testimony began Tuesday and is expected to last the remainder of the week.
