
Burbank settles on schedule for replacing outgoing city clerk, treasurer

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The City Council this week decided on a schedule for appointing interim replacements for the elected positions of city clerk and city treasurer as the women who currently hold those offices prepare to retire next month.

Beginning May 14, applicants who feel they are qualified will have an opportunity to apply through June 1, although appointments could be made before then, officials said.

City Clerk Margarita Campos and City Treasurer Donna Anderson are retiring on June 1 and July 7, respectively — roughly a year before their terms are set to end in May 2013.

Management Services Director Judie Wilke told the council on Tuesday that state law requires the city to fill the positions within 60 days of being vacated.

Applicants must be registered voters and must have resided in Burbank for at least 29 days before filing nomination papers.

The city clerk’s office will be accepting the applications and should be able to complete the verification process for all candidates by June 5, Wilke added.

During the week of June 4, applicants will be contacted to schedule a three-minute video about their qualifications. They will be taped in City Council Chambers and the videos will be available for the public to view for two weeks.

A special City Council meeting will be scheduled for June 28, Wilke said.

Councilman David Gordon said he felt the council should reconsider the path it was taking and felt a special election would be the best way to handle filling the vacancies.

Councilwoman Emily Gabel-Luddy questioned the role of the videotaping while acknowledging that the interim replacement will have a “leg up” on the other candidates who may choose to run for the position next year.

Wilke said a video was a good way for the public to see how candidates present themselves and will allow residents to send feedback to the council.
