
Water board wraps chromium 6 investigation at Walt Disney Studios

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The Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board has concluded an investigation into contamination on the site of the Walt Disney Studios, a senior board official said.

The agency’s decision comes a day after The Times reported the board, along with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, was investigating whether a vintage air conditioning system and cooling towers at Disney were the source of groundwater and soil contamination from chromium 6, a cancer-causing heavy metal.

Earlier this week, water board officials indicated they were weeks away from completing a review of environmental tests conducted by a firm hired by Disney to test soil and groundwater on the Burbank property.

On Friday, Sam Unger, the board’s executive officer, told The Times that the board had completed its review of soil tests and concluded that levels of chromium 6 were within regulatory guidelines.

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-- Richard Verrier, Los Angeles Times
