
Valley voters weigh in on contentious Sherman-Berman congressional race

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Voters lined up at 6:30 a.m. Tuesday in Woodland Hills, where several precincts were combined in a large meeting room at the 53-year-old St. Luke’s Lutheran Church on Comercio Way.

“I was fourth in line, maybe fifth,” said Morton Roberts, 46, a Woodland Hills insurance agent. He cast his ballot for Barack Obama, he said.

“I like what he’s done so far. I don’t think any one person could have fixed what he had to deal with in one term,” Roberts said.

Waiting at 7 a.m. in a line of about 60 people that snaked into the church parking lot was Joe Perdenza, a 43-year-old banker. With him was his 6-year-old daughter, Ella. At home was her twin brother, Rocco.

“Ella says she likes Mitt Romney,” Perdenza said. “Rocco says Mitt Romney doesn’t understand women. That comment was unsolicited this morning at the breakfast table.”

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-- Bob Pool in Woodland Hills and Andrew Khouri in Studio City
