
Six candidates running for Burbank City Council; Four for school board

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The nominating period for Burbank’s 2013 municipal election closed Friday evening, with six candidates running for three City Council seats, four running for two school board seats, three for city clerk and one for city treasurer, officials reported.

Since school board member John Dilibert — who was appointed to the position in August — chose not to run, the nomination period for his seat has been extended until Dec. 5 at 5 p.m.

“There are people that are intimidated to run against the incumbent,” said Deputy City Clerk Susan Domen, adding that would-be candidates may change their minds once they learn an incumbent isn’t vying for the position.

The extension “provides them the opportunity to do so,” she said.

Those who’ve filed for the two Burbank school board seats include incumbent Larry Applebaum, David Dobson, Armond Aghakhanian and Steve Ferguson.

The City Council candidates include Juan Guillen, David Nos, Bob Frutos and the three incumbents — Jess Talamantes, David Gordon and Dave Golonski.

Three are vying for city clerk, including incumbent Zizette Mullins — who was appointed to the position by the City Council in June - Nonna von Sonn and Gloria Salas.

For city treasurer, incumbent Debbie Kukta is the sole candidate.

The candidates will not officially be qualified until their signatures are approved by the county, which will likely take until next week, Domen said.


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-- Alene Tchekmedyian, Times Community News

Follow Alene on Google+ and on Twitter: @atchek.
