
Rash of vehicle burglaries hit Burbank over the weekend

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Roughly $6,000 worth of items were stolen from about a dozen cars in Burbank over the weekend, police said.

Among them were three catalytic converters, two third-row seats, miscellaneous electronics, sunglasses, toys and clothing, said Burbank Police Lt. Eddie Ruiz.

The thefts occurred at scattered times throughout the weekend in the 1200 block of Beachwood Drive, 1500 blocks of North Naomi and North Rose Streets, the 500 blocks of North Third and North Lincoln Streets, and 1300 Broadway.

The three catalytic converters were stolen from cars parked in the 2100 blocks of North Frederic and North Brighton Streets.

-- Alene Tchekmedyian, Times Community News

Follow Alene Tchekmedyian on Google+ and on Twitter: @atchek.
