
Political star rising for woman behind outside school race spending in Burbank, L.A.

Michelle Rhee, center, answers questions after delivering a speech to the World Affairs Council in Los Angeles.
(Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)
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If you’re a registered voter in Burbank, chances are you’ve recieved one or more mailers supporting certain school board candidates from political action committees backed by StudentsFirst.

The L.A. Times has a profile out today on Michelle Rhee, founder of the advocacy group that is positioning itself as the political counterweight to teachers unions.

In Burbank, two committees backed by StudentsFirst has spent more than $26,000 in promotional material supporting school board candidates David Dobson and Charlene Tabet — far more than any school board candidate has raised so far in this year’s race.

StudentsFirst has also made itself felt in Los Angeles election races.

The L.A. Times goes in depth on the rising poiltical star behind the advocacy group.

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--Jason Wells, Times Community News

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