
Employment picture for entertainment industry weakens in January

A crew films a scene for CBS TV show "Vegas," which is re¿creating the Vegas strip of the 1960s in a studio in Santa Clarita Studios.
(Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times)
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Like the sluggish box office, the jobs picture in Hollywood isn’t looking pretty so far this year.

Employment in the motion picture, television and sound recording category fell 7.3% to 114,700 jobs in January, compared with the same period a year ago, according to the latest figures from the state’s Employment Development Department.

In fact, the employment level in January was the lowest of any month since January 2001, when employment also stood at 106,300 jobs, according to the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corp. The drop also occurred in a month when overall statewide jobs increased 1.8%

The jobs picture fell sharply from December, where there were 120,300 jobs in the category, reflecting a typical seasonal pattern when studios and film crews ramp up before the end of the year.

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-- Richard Verrier, Los Angeles Times
