
For one Burbank voter, it’s two minutes too late

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He was just two minutes too late.

Jim Riner drove 50 miles Tuesday from the Camarillo Airport – where he works as an aircraft mechanic – to Burbank City Hall to cast his vote in the city general election. But he shuffled into City Hall at 7:02 p.m., just two minutes after poll workers declared the drop-off station closed.

He left City Hall clutching his ballot.

“It just kills me because it’s just one of our freedoms,” said Riner, who’s lived in Burbank for 61 years.

Despite his 100-mile roundtrip daily commute, Riner said he normally doesn’t get home this late, but traffic held him up.

“Honest to God, traffic kept me from getting here on time,” he said, adding that he never misses his chance to vote. “I goofed up a little bit.”

-- Alene Tchekmedyian,

Follow on Google+ and on Twitter: @atchek.
