
Burbank school bond oversight committee fills out

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A construction consultant, a former school board candidate and the city treasurer are among nine people who were appointed to a committee Thursday night to oversee the spending of a $110-million bond school bond approved by voters in March.

Fifteen people applied for a seat on the committee, which will review Burbank Unified’s long-term maintenance plan, construction reports and bond expenditures.

School board President Larry Applebaum said applicants included supporters and opponents of the bond that passed with 60% of voter approval.

“There are some people who applied who were very publicly opposed to the bond, or at least parts of the bond, but who stepped up to the plate,” he said during Thursday’s school board meeting.

Five people were appointed by the school board because they are current members of the district’s facilities committee. They include Daniel Brown, David Carletta, Vahe Hovanessian, Barbara Miller and Richard Parkinson.

“They will act as the mentors for the new board members,” Applebaum said.

Of all 15 names, only four — Armond Aghakhanian, Walter Brennan, Jr., Debbie Kukta and Michael Moynahan — gained at least three votes by the school board to become appointed.

An additional five alternates were also chosen to serve in case any committee member should step down. Those members include Bruce Clarke, Kevin Harrop, Elena Hubbell, Greg Jackson and Paula Trubisky.

School officials said they would also appoint ex-officio members who wouldn’t have an official say in the group but would review documents and procedures. Applebaum said former Mayor Marsha Ramos has expressed interest in that role.

For the school board members who will issue the first millions of dollars of bond money this summer, more is better when it comes to oversight.

“I think that the more eyes, ears and voices that we have on this committee, the better,” said school board member Roberta Reynolds. “I want to involve as many people as we possibly can.”


Follow Kelly Corrigan on Twitter: @kellymcorrigan.
