
When will the Verdugo Pool open?

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Over the last few years, the Leader has done a great job reporting on the Verdugo Pool since its closing in 2008. Forecasts by the city said the pool would open in 2011. That was revised to 2012. With $5.2 million approved more than a year ago for construction, the pool was scheduled to open in April of this year. As recently as a few days ago, the Parks and Rec website showed the pool would be open the same date as McCambridge, May 25. Now the website states, “The Verdugo Pool will open summer 2013. Please check back regularly for latest updates.”

Who will pay the price for this delay?

On a related issue, there has been a report that the City Council will consider a recommendation next week from Park, Recreation and Community Services to keep the Verdugo Pool open for 11 months a year. The total cost is $180,000, offset by an expected revenue increase of $145,000, for a net cost of $35,000. While it’s unfortunate that this long-requested action did not become a simple line item in the 480-page 2014 budget, surely there cannot be any objection to this modest expense that will benefit many. Or perhaps swimmers don’t have the same clout as golfers.

Bob Schmitt

