
Letters: Taking up the pen against Trump’s uncivil tweets

President Donald Trump tours his 'Made In America' product showcase at the White House July 15, one day after tweeting that four Democratic congresswomen of color should go back to their own countries. Two members of the Burbank City Council write this week that such comments are out of line.
President Donald Trump tours his ‘Made In America’ product showcase at the White House July 15, one day after tweeting that four Democratic congresswomen of color should go back to their own countries. Two members of the Burbank City Council write this week that such comments are out of line.
(Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images)
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When City Council determined not to send a letter to POTUS regarding his not-nice-tweet about four Congresswomen, a couple of us said we would send to the Leader our versions of a letter to President Trump. This is mine:

“I am writing to express my deep personal concern with your recent tweets telling four duly-elected members of Congress to “go back” where they came from simply because they advocate policies and positions different from your own. Vigorous debate and disagreement over policies and positions are essential elements of this or any democracy. We treasure our freedom to be outspoken and forceful advocates or opponents on any issue.

“While singling out and personally denigrating individuals is never appropriate, it is even more inappropriate when the language used can stoke racial and ethnic division.

“Our City is graced with racially and ethnically diverse families, residents, work force and student populations. I am concerned for the well-being of these men, women and children, as divisive language coming from the highest office in our country maybe interpreted to mean that it is acceptable to treat them cruelly, disrespectfully and as less than valued human beings.

“I too swore to “preserve, defend and protect” the Constitution beginning with the First Amendment. I believe this letter is an opportunity to engage our young people — our students — in the real life basics of civic engagement and the fundamental rights embodied in the U.S. Constitution. I ask that you join us by affirming your support for civil debate and discussion and stop divisive personal attacks.”

Emily Gabel-Luddy

Mayor, city of Burbank


I strongly oppose recent racial taunting of four non-white American Congresswomen, and other such disparaging speech. Such rhetoric has local impacts that go beyond politics and partisanship.

Our community is very diverse with a substantial percentage of nonwhite residents consisting of family members, friends and neighbors.

Burbank also has a racially and ethnically diverse work force and student population that come into our city every day. I’m concerned for the well-being of these men, women and children, as racial derision coming from the highest office in our country may be interpreted as acceptability to treat them cruelly, disrespectfully and as less than valued human beings.

Alarmingly, I now hear of bigoted and racist experiences within our community.

Silence, which can signify approval, and even complicity, is not an option. I strongly denounce denigrating speech and actions, and the stoking of fear, hatred, violence, misunderstanding and divisiveness with our community and country.

Sharon Springer
Vice Mayor, city of Burbank


Re: “Burbank City Council has more important work than chastising Trump,” letter to the editor, Aug. 15. As a former longtime resident of the area, I found the suggestion of the Burbank City Council writing to President Trump to be a complete loss of common sense.

I applaud the efforts of the one councilman who was against the idea, but am not impressed with the balance of the City Council. Come vote time, when the voters have a voice, I am sure they will be heard. Contact former Councilman Gary Bric and see if he would consider running again.

Doesn’t the council have something more constructive to do for the city of Burbank?

Brian Baumgardner

Oslob, Cebu, Philippines

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