
Letter: He shudders to think how Trump would treat California in massive disaster

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The woefully inadequate and cruel responses Donald Trump has made to victims of hurricanes since he became president, including his current bizarre behavior in the face of the violent storm in the Bahamas and the southeast U.S. coastal states, makes me shudder to think of how we here in California would be treated by him should we have a major earthquake that required massive disaster relief.

Trump knows that most Californians have never supported him and so I can imagine he would leave us to suffer terribly in any natural disaster like the ones we are seeing elsewhere this week. I recall his response to the horrific fires we experienced last year was to fly here and tell us to rake leaves in the forest in order to prevent fires in the future, which should inform everyone about how neglectful he would be toward our state if a large-scale disaster should hit us.

Doug Weiskopf
