
Letter: Taking exception to new projects

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Within the past few months two projects, (Talaria and a mixed-use project at the corner of Cypress and Third), have been approved and have been granted a 25% increase in density because they are considered to be exceptional.

We agree. They are exceptional for the some of the following reasons:

They are exceptionally large — too large for the area they will occupy.

They will create an exceptionally large amount of traffic congestion in areas that are already very congested.

They will cause exceptionally more parking problems.

They will use up an exceptionally large amount of water and electricity.

If the “powers that be” continue to approve more of these too-large, multi-use projects, Burbank will soon become a crowded, congested and exceptionally overbuilt city, much the same as many surrounding L.A. areas.

Glenn and Gail Nicol
