
Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor: Burbank mayor rues the way conduct of recent meeting offended some

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On May 21 the Burbank City Council agenda included action on a residential project at Cedar Avenue and Sixth Street which has generated community concern over project size and the number of affordable units included in the project.

The item had been continued from the meeting of April 30 when the council held the public hearing on the project. After all speakers had made their remarks the public hearing was closed and the item was continued to the meeting of May 21. At that time the city attorney made it clear that because the council had concluded the public hearing the record was closed and there could be no further public hearing on the project unless there was a change to the project in the intervening three weeks.

When we began the City Council’s regular public comment period on the evening of May 21, I read a statement reminding people that the public hearing on the Cedar Avenue project had been closed and since there had not been any changes to the project the council was not able consider any new information and asked speakers to limit their remarks to general comments.

My statement, prepared by our city attorney, was intended to clarify for everyone the legal restrictions on what the council could and could not consider regarding that project. Regardless, I regret the way the public comment period unfolded.

Many took this as an attempt to silence them or infringe on their 1st Amendment rights. This was not my intention, but my failure to do a better job explaining the situation has caused distress, and I sincerely regret that.

This summer the council will be taking up two ordinances, one on inclusionary housing and one on density bonus, to help us better address the housing needs of our community.

We have learned from this incident and we will apply those lessons as we move forward. We all care deeply about Burbank — it is a rare jewel, and we appreciate everyone for caring as deeply as you all do.

Emily Gabel-Luddy



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