
Letters to the Editor: Bridge debate and airplane noise wear on Mailbag writers, while another offers memories of earlier days in Burbank

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Regarding the standoff between bicyclists and equestrians on the Mariposa bridge, I hope that Doug Weiskopf wins his case in court.

Also I wish and hope that some adult would talk some sense to the “children” involved in this argument. Someone who’d say, “Hey, you, on the bicycle, wait for the horse and rider to cross. I know you think the bike is an inanimate object, but it spooks the horses!” and then say, “Hey you, on the horse, after you cross and the bike and rider is behind you, let the rider cross next!”

To both of them just say, “Share the d—n bridge!!!”

Scott Osborn



Today I got to hear the sound of a train and its horn twice, a little after 2 a.m. Starting a little after 7 a.m., I heard the loud sound of airplanes. They are so loud that, in the morning and at night, I have to turn the volume up on my television. I can look out my window and tell you what airline company owns the plane and how many windows are on the side of the plane! I also get to hear and see a lot more private jets flying by!

At the Verdugo Park playground, bathrooms and park buildings are being rebuilt, with heavy and loud construction. The one-bedroom house that was behind mine has been knocked down and a mansion- size house is being built, also with heavy, loud construction sounds that go with the building of a mansion-size house.

I know that that trains are blowing horns for safety reasons, that Verdugo Park will be great for kids and adults when it is finished and the mansion-size house will make some family very happy one day. And what will happen with the very loud and annoying airplanes that didn’t use to be in my neighborhood? I think that noise will get worse instead of better!

Donna Lowande



As I was looking out the kitchen window onto the back porch, I noticed a hummingbird rebuilding her little nest in a dreamcatcher. It was amazing that she remembered from the year before when she had one little chick. I don’t think any more could have fit in there anyway. It’s a delight to watch her.

Then my mind began to wander. Where did Burbank disappear to? Our quaint little post office on Magnolia Boulevard, the mailboxes at the ends of the blocks, the little bead shop on Burbank Boulevard where I bought all my jewelry for my hobby. Albins Drugs on Magnolia Boulevard and Hollywood Way, where on a hot day you could sit at the counter and order a tall root beer, cool off and rest after shopping.

There was a J.J. Newberry’s, where I bought my canary on layaway, and my sons would each get 15 cents’ worth of candy at the counter. I know the worker put a few extra into each of their bags.

And the Dip at Burbank’s Five Points intersection, where you could feed the family delicious burgers for under $1.

The Helms Bakery man would stop if you had the sign posted in your window. He always carried penny candy for the boys, fresh bread and doughnuts. Yum!

The milkman would put a 3-gallon container in the fridge for me because I couldn’t lift it. My sons went through that supply in a week.

Those were the days. I’m glad I have these memories. I’m sure a lot of old-timers remember them too.

Bonnie Andonie



When Rep. Schiff first ran for Congress he canvassed my area. He knocked on my door and told me what he wanted to do. I told him that I would vote for him.

Now, our country is in crisis and Rep. Schiff is doing his job and doing it well. When Trump assigns you a nickname, you should wear it as a badge of honor because it means he fears you. I am proud of Rep. Adam Schiff. Don’t be detoured when you have the facts and the law on your side.

Norwood Price

