
Letters to the Editor: Committee chair reminds readers of upcoming Days of Remembrance event

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This year marks the 75th Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, when from April 19 to May 16, 1943, residents of the Jewish ghetto in Nazi-occupied Warsaw, Poland, staged an armed revolt against Nazi deportations to extermination camps.

This was the most significant act of resistance to the Nazis and the Holocaust, and it inspired other revolts in extermination camps and ghettos throughout Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe.

The uprising remains symbolic of collective Jewish resistance where heroic men and women sacrificed their lives to defend their people.

The Burbank Human Relations Council invites the public to the 2018 Days of Remembrance program in commemoration of the Holocaust and the 75th Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, 3801 Scott Road, Burbank, on Tuesday, May 15 at 7:15 pm.

Over 16 Burbank churches, synagogues and the Burbank Islamic Center will participate in this unique event. During the program, we will light six candles for the six million Jews killed by the Nazis, the seventh candle for others murdered by the Nazis as well as all the other genocides in the world, and the eighth candle for Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Martyrs. The two keynote speakers are survivors of the Warsaw Ghetto, Dorothy Greenstein and Sidonia Lax. Lax’s husband smuggled arms into the Ghetto before the uprising.

For more information, call (818) 860-2472 or email

David Meyerhof


BHRC Days of Remembrance Committee

