
Letters to the Editor: Mailbag: What if issues could be resolved?

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What if the DeBell Golf Course was let go for good?

What if we sold the land to developers for much needed low-income housing?

What if we included a female “icon” in the name of the Burbank High athletic field?

What if the Burbank Leader was more than four pages long (or at least replaced the grammar section with hard news)?

What if local reporters were paid a living wage? What if?

Julie D’Angelo



I’m glad Rep. Adam Schiff and state Sen. Anthony Portantino want to do something about gun violence. More gun control is not the answer. Trying to control guns is like herding cats.

The real problem is mentally disturbed shooters. Find and identify people who are likely to go ballistic and take away their guns. Making pistol grips and bayonet lugs illegal is not going to stop the next insane mass shooter. I

I know the ACLU will have a cow if you look too closely at someone’s medical history. The problem is mental illness. Sane people don’t shoot up a school yard. Identify mentally ill people and stop them before the next shooting. No funding for it? Borrow from former FBI Director Robert Mueller’s unlimited budget for investigating President Trump.

Tim Elliott

North Hollywood


The Dodgers say, “Sure, we lost two consecutive World Series, but wait until next year and next year and next year and next year …”

Talbert Kanigher

