
Mailbag: Jaywalking law needs to be enforced

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Burbank Leader

I am sick of reading all the garbage about crossing a street in an unmarked area. Hello, this is called jaywalking — always has been, and it deserves a ticket.

Why do the people in Glendale and Burbank feel we all must bow down and change the laws so they can do whatever pleases them? Give tickets to every one of them, period.

“I am disabled” — what a lame excuse! Take a cab, bus or ride in your family’s car. Jaywalking should be enforced for everyone, no excuses.

The motto should be “Do the crime — pay the fine!”

Save our police department time to do bigger jobs than holding your hand while you break the law and patting you on the head.

This had been the law for as far back as I can remember. We should change it now for what reason? Because you don’t think it should apply to you?

Who is running this city? And in whose interest. Wake up. Free up our police department; let them catch all the speeders we have in our cities who every day endanger everyone out there, or catch the people using the left-hand-turn lane as a “passing lane” to get a jump ahead of the traffic to their right!

Go down Glenoaks Boulevard and watch them. They are bound and determined to kill all of the neighborhood animals and children. When are we going to do something about that — when a child dies?

I say lower the speed limit on Glenoaks to 25 mph for both Glendale and Burbank. Make the fine $100 for every mile over the speed limit, which should send the message and bring some safety back to that street!



City deserves thanks for alternatives

Many thanks to city officials for their leadership in developing transportation alternatives for Burbank residents.

In the more than 20 years that I have lived in Burbank, I have commuted to work by bus, Metrolink, Red Line subway and private automobile. Most recently, thanks to Corey Wilkerson and others in the city who organized Burbank’s Bike to Work Day, I canceled my monthly parking and am riding my bicycle!

The car is convenient, but is the absolute worst alternative for so many reasons, not the least of which is that it separates us from the community that we live in!

Those who complain about the bike lanes in Burbank don’t care about my safety, but want the streets to themselves (“Remove bike lanes from busy streets,” June 12). Please remember they are “public” streets not reserved exclusively for motorists.

If you are a resident of Burbank, think about the intersections you want near your home — intersections that accommodate bicyclists, pedestrians and automobiles in a safe and efficient manner, or four to five lanes of traffic filled with speeding automobiles.

Give me a break! Verdugo Avenue is a city street, not a freeway.

