
Mailbag: Still seeking answers in shooting

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Burbank Police Chief Scott LaChasse’s apology for having to restrict the parking lot at Kmart and the surrounding area for such a long time after the shooting of two officers on July 2 (“Chief thanks public for cooperation”, July 17) was well received by myself, as I am sure by most of the citizens of Burbank.

His explanation of why this was necessary with regards to the investigation made a lot of sense. He also expressed his gratitude for the public’s cooperation, and the many expressions of concern for the officers’ welfare, as well as the cards and posters in support of the Burbank Police Department.

What I found missing was any mention of what future training may be put in place to prevent such incidents in the first place. How an already-handcuffed shoplifting suspect being apprehended by two officers can take an officer’s gun away from him and shoot both officers is hard to imagine.

I commend both officers for, despite their injuries, regaining control of the suspect with no harm to anyone else. I in no way presume to second-guess these officers. Their bravery speaks for itself.

I have not seen any definitive official statement that the gun used was the officer’s service weapon, only inferences that it was. Nor have I seen any statements that say it was any other gun. Chief?

John Suderman


Athletic club should focus on improvement

The lawsuit by the Burbank Athletic Club (“Athletic club owner sues,” July 17) against 24 Hour Fitness reminds me how the owners of the Glendale Galleria fought the Americana at Brand. They spent tons of money trying to stop it, and the cost probably contributed to the General Growth bankruptcy.

Face it — if people wanted to go to the Burbank Athletic Club, they would join. They don’t. So maybe rather than fighting something that people want, the athletic club needs to review its own business plan and find out why people don’t want to join.

Linda Bessin


L.A. riots prove need for gun rights

I found it amazing to read Robert Morrison’s smug, self-righteous two cents regarding gun ownership (“Interpretations of 2nd Amendment,” July 10).

I wonder where he was during the L.A. riots? Probably safely ensconced behind his Glendale gated community watching the anarchy unfold on his wide-screen TV whilst munching on salted nuts.

For me, living near Vermont and Virgil avenues, it was a time of weaving around the multitudes of roving looters and opportunist gangbangers crisscrossing the streets, and the impossibility of seeing some of the neighborhood blocks for the smoke obscuring the horizon. It was a time when the Los Angeles Police Department, caught by surprise and thinly spread, abdicated their authority on the streets for the first 48 hours.

It was a time when it actually took the California National Guard to restore order. It was a time when Korean American storeowners were able to maintain their source of livelihood because of the right to individual ownership of firearms. It was a time when you were pretty much on your own.

Does Morrison think just because the riot was quelled, the faceless mob element was removed from the fabric of our society as well? One look at the boisterous “celebration” on the night of the Lakers’ championship victory should dispel that notion for us all.

Don Kochi


Bridge bodes well for south Glendale

It was great to see the Glendale News-Press editorial on Saturday bring to public attention the denigrated park space for south Glendale (“A bridge to the future,” July 10).

Hopefully, in time, the bridge could bring new life for south Glendale. Too bad south Glendale has no representative on council, like Councilman John Drayman for Montrose, pushing to have the proposed bridge in their backyard.

The bridge could bring new excitement and perhaps stimulate some needed commerce for the area.

Mike Mohill


Hoping to see more bicycle lanes

One of my favorite aspects of living in Burbank is that it is such a safe and easy place to get around by bicycle.

I wholeheartedly support the Verdugo Avenue bicycle lanes in Burbank (“Burbank needs more bicycle lanes,” July 10). They increase safety and public health for cyclists and all users of the road. I ride my bike as much as I can and wish there were more bike lanes. The more places in Burbank that are safely accessible by bicycle, the more likely I am to keep spending money in town.

The Verdugo Avenue bike lanes are an important step toward creating a greener environment and more livable Burbank.

Casey B. Davis

