
Mailbag: Streets are for cars, not bicycles

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Who are the people trying to get people out of their cars and onto bikes (“Hoping to see more bicycle lanes,” July 21)?

Traffic in Burbank is quadrupling, and they continue to shrink our roads with bicycle lanes. Is this insanity or what? It’s almost like a conspiracy to see just how far they can go to really screw things up.

The county is falling apart, starting with the president right down to the lower level of local politics.

Anyone who rides a bike on the over-car-crowded streets of Burbank should be deemed suicidal. The bike fatalities will happen, make no doubt about it. The streets are for cars, period. The first accident may wake some local politicians up, but I doubt it.

Ditto the terror coming across the border with all the illegal immigrants operating cells God knows where.

Will another 9/11 wake the president up? I doubt that also. There seems to be a determination to bring this country down.

Steve Urbanovich

