
No accountability in America

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Do you want to know what is wrong with America? Just take a look at the Saturday edition of the LATEXTRA section of the Los Angeles Times.

Staring at you on the front page, a photo of two of our more infamous leaders. Gavin Newsom, who had an affair with his campaign manager’s wife, and President Clinton, who was impeached for having a tryst with an intern in the Oval Office and then lying about it. There they are, both out there, there is no accountability in America.

As for California Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown, who is still running for some kind of office, there is only one thing to say, and that is “Rose Byrd.” Remember her? She was a gift from Brown who just will not go away.

Joseph Di Sante


Reflecting on an overwhelming year

Recently, I was asked to describe the past 12 months in one word. Simply said, it would be “overwhelming.” Truly, Burbank Temporary Aid Center has been overwhelmed on many levels.

The requests for services have continued to increase dramatically over previous years and our volunteers have been overwhelmed while trying to ensure more than 34,000 individual services were provided to our friends and neighbors.

The compassion and dedication of those same volunteers has been overwhelming to watch. As they work to serve the clients who depend on BTAC services, they are a great inspiration for me and the BTAC staff.

It has been touching to see the long hours and hard work given by the staff to keep up with the growing and overwhelming workload.

As we approach the upcoming holiday season, I am overwhelmed with concern about how we will keep up with the growing needs.

But mostly, we have all been overwhelmed by this amazing community and its generosity. Whether responding to holiday needs, our annual dinner, supporting the Stamp Out Hunger food drive or finding their own unique way to help BTAC, the support has been overwhelming.

Individuals, companies, schools, clubs, service organizations and the city have all shown their support, which has helped BTAC continue to serve the homeless and needy of our community.

Indeed, it has been an overwhelming year of feeling the warmth and support of our community for those who need help. I would like to share my appreciation for everyone who has helped BTAC rise to the growing needs in our community.

Barbara Howell


Editor’s note: Howell is executive director of the Burbank Temporary Aid Center.

Who did ejected videographer work for?

In the furor about whether Peter Musurlian’s activities as a guerilla videographer transcend his First Amendment rights as a claimed “journalist” outside of his job with the city of Burbank (“Videographer was rightfully ejected,” July 31); and whether this is a case of stalking and harassment of various individuals, we are losing sight of one critical question.

What third parties are supporting or instigating these actions? Is there prior employment in the history of Musurlian that shows him to be a partisan of the opposing political party that promotes his seeming vitriol?

A camera can be intimidating, as has been shown by guerilla actions by campaign operatives and Fox News wannabes. One’s personal space should be respected and a fair distance should be considered for honest, true public discourse to be promoted.

Thom O’Shaughnessy

