
Accepting bike lanes

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At the six-month juncture of the contentious Verdugo Avenue bike lanes, it’s safe to say that minds have not changed, but they have at least accepted.

The City Council on Tuesday decided to keep the dedicated bike lanes — which many motorists decried as an unnecessary traffic constraint on an already busy street — after months of being a source of community criticism and kudos.

Drivers said they did more harm than good, and bicyclists said they were an important thoroughfare and sign that the city was serious about making its streets more accessible.

There are plans to greatly expand the city’s network of bikeways, at which time motorists will have to readjust their driving habits, and perhaps even their routes, once again. Hopefully, with each transition, the hoopla will get quieter and quieter.

This city made a commitment a long time ago to stay at the forefront of quality-of-life issues and reducing environmental impacts. Traffic and transportation is a vital part of that strategy, no matter how inconvenient it may initially be.
