
State must lower its costs

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The race to represent the people of Burbank, Glendale and surrounding communities is over. I congratulate my opponent Mike Gatto in his election and wish him well in representing us.

What we have witnessed over the last several years is an alarming rate of joblessness, debt levels that exceeded any measure of repayment, consolidation of political power and a general pessimism about the future. The true magnitude of our problems can no longer be ignored.

I caution all those who have won election across our state to consider the enormous costs of the same old approach. We need to work toward a “jobs” climate that encourages the livelihood and success of our current resident employers and encourages others to come to California; we have worked for decades at being inhospitable to those that keep Californians working.

There might be disagreement as to what regulations caused them to leave, but there can be no argument that the jobs have left, and are leaving.

We need a new conversation on education and education funding. The institution has become hopelessly political and Sacramento is overburdening the system with costly mandates. We need to let local communities, working alongside caring parents and teachers, manage the allocation of their resources.

Personally, I am ashamed at parents and students’ having to fundraise for what should be core needs. By failing to correct this situation, we acquiesce in its perpetuation. This is not acceptable. Local control is the first step (of many) in reforming our education system, and that begins with the clear and committed engagement of parents and an expectation that leaders will look toward new solutions. It’s tough work, but we can do this.

Finally, I want to offer my thanks to all those who supported me. Not simply to all those that I have known and worked with for years, but to all those I have met along the way and who have now become friends. I stand shoulder to shoulder with significant people that achieved greatness on behalf of our entire community. I am in their debt.

I will continue to serve our communities as I have for the last 25 years. Lord knows there is much work to be done, and I for one will be pleased to return to service alongside caring friends. Thank you.

Sunder Ramani


Editor’s note: Ramani was the Republican candidate for the 43rd Assembly District.
