
Still a few kinks with bike lanes

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While I do support creating more bike lanes, an article in the Nov. 6 Leader, “Bike-path decision delayed,” contained a comment that, to me, indicates that further study and traffic signalization changes are needed before stamping the project with an approval of success.

The article states that “Traffic counts and surveys on the flow of vehicles in the affected area showed that travel times on Verdugo Avenue were unchanged during afternoon rush hour.” While the amount of cars in the “rush hour” may be unchanged, the ease of flow through the area has definitely slowed down.

Another extremely congested time of day to consider is around 3 p.m., when the school day ends at John Burroughs High School. The lineup of cars driving west on Verdugo Avenue from the school at that time is so long that it can take up to three signals to make a left-hand turn from Verdugo onto Buena Vista. Drivers wanting to turn left often cannot move into the already crowded left-hand turn lane, which then blocks drivers wanting to head straight on Verdugo.

Perhaps the installation of left-hand turn signals could ease the flow of traffic, which would make the creation of the bike lane both a welcome addition for bikers and not such a hindrance to drivers.

Gail Nicol


Onramp doesn’t mesh with slow drivers

We all know that the California freeways are crammed with brain-dead drivers who hog the slow lane, apparently incapable of learning how to effectively merge with new drivers entering the freeway. What are the odds that the city can add some sort of big, bright, vibrating, fire-throwing warning sign along the westbound Ventura (134) Freeway prior to the new Alameda onramp in Burbank, warning slowpoke drivers meandering along said freeway that new cars will be in their lane shortly?

The Alameda Street onramp’s design only allows for a swift, not gradual, integration into active freeway traffic, and I have been almost sideswiped four times now by inattentive slow-lane drivers who weren’t aware of my imminent entry into traffic.

Kimberly King-Burns


Home buyers need to take responsibility

This is in response to the Nov. 3 letter sent by Wesley Greene titled “We need a six-month halt on foreclosures.”

Regardless of whether the banks have violated foreclosure laws, and regardless of whether the banks and mortgage companies are responsible for lending easy money for home loans (which they are), it’s time for the individuals who are in foreclosure to accept responsibility for their part in this whole mess.

These people should have known that they couldn’t afford the loans that they signed up for. I stayed within my limits when I got a mortgage. I would have liked a newer, bigger, nicer home, but I couldn’t afford it. So I bought a house with a mortgage that I could afford.

I also resent the fact that these people are able to modify their mortgages because they were irresponsible. I want my monthly payments lowered, too, but my bank won’t do that for me because I have been responsible and have paid my mortgage on time.

Come on, it’s time for people to take personal responsibility for their actions!

Laurie Colbert

