
This Big Game won’t be forgotten

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It’s the kind of satisfaction that can only come when there’s a few seconds left on the clock for a tie game between cross-town rivals. Add a championship and homecoming to the mix, and well, you’ve set the stage for one of those rare high school nights of glory and fable.

So for the 63rd annual Big Game at Memorial Field between Burbank and John Burroughs high schools on Thursday — just 4.7 seconds left on a 35-35 scoreboard — the moment surely wasn’t lost on Indians kicker Christobal Escobar as he walked out for a 21-yard field goal attempt.

The ball was snapped, held, and Christobal strode up for the kick, sending it between the uprights and into storied history.

“It was an amazing feeling,” he said after clinching the 38-35 win for his team.

It was surely a shared experience for all. While the Burbank Bulldogs obviously were hoping for a different outcome, they still get third place in league — nothing to scoff at. But for the Burroughs team, it’s hard to not revel in the glory of the moment with them.

