
Clearing up some historical information

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The Burbank Historical Society has been collecting information on the compass trees for years (“Shedding some light on Burbank history,” Jan. 22).

We know they were planted on the four points of the compass; it is said that people traveling to the San Fernando Mission would stop and rest under the trees; it was also said that a cement slab was later put in under the trees where many locals would also gather there.

We have photos showing one of the compass trees in the back yard of the Smith Family home, who’s great-grandson said he played around the trees as a child. The house is still there.

We also have photos of one of the trees being cut down. As to Raymond Marks’ comment about only bits and pieces of recollections from pioneers, the Burbank Historical Society collects information and interviews old-timers for any information we can get.

Another thing that is confusing to people is the city says we are celebrating our centennial this year. We celebrated the centennial of the founding of Burbank in 1987. This year is the centennial of the incorporation of Burbank in 1911. It took until 1927 to get a Charter adopted.

I would like to invite Marks to visit the Gordon R. Howard Museum, 115 M. Lomita Street, from 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturday or Sunday. It’s free.

Mary Jane Strickland


Editor’s note: Strickland is the founder of the Burbank Historical Society.
