
Bizarre turnaround by Burroughs brass

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I have a teenage daughter who is an athlete at Burroughs High School. When I informed her that there would now be no punishment for the ball players who didn’t drink (“Suspensions lifted for 7 baseball players,” May 7), but who refused to tell on those who did, her exact quote was, “Good. I don’t think you should have to tell. It’s not my business if somebody does something wrong.”

What a bizarre message for the administration to send to the other kids involved in activities at the school. And how sad that there were a few parents and a lawyer who feel their kids shouldn’t be disciplined for violating school rules and for ignoring the moral code they’re all expected to follow.

I promptly advised my daughter that at our house, there is no “free speech zone” and there are no “1st Amendment rights.” Our house is a dictatorship, and I am the dictator.

She has two years of high school left, and if one of her teams is ever involved in something this stupid, dangerous and embarrassing to their team, school and town, she will promptly find her butt in a chair at the principal’s office as she tells him every detail of what happened.

Then, she’ll be off the team and grounded for life. No lawyer in the world will be able to save her.

Cheryl Holt

