
GCC should put the heat on smokers

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New rules and seven new designated areas for smoking help reduce the amount of cigarette butts and ashes at Glendale Community College.

Enforcement started in spring when campus put up signs in different areas on campus, but is enforcement through stiff fines enough for reducing smoking on campus? Does that enforcement help non-smokers have clean air to breathe?

As a non-smoker, I want a smoke-free campus. It is unpleasant to walk on campus and see groups of people gather together and smoke. Glendale Community College’s police enforcement for smoking is good but not enough. There are still many students who smoke in non-smoking areas. There are even some who don’t know about this new policy.

Glendale Community College should increase the enforcement on campus, which would help the campus come closer to city laws on smoking in public.

Arega Mehrabian Adegani

