
Burbank shouldn’t appeal judge’s ruling

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Many thanks to Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Ann I. Jones for ruling against the city of Burbank in the lawsuit filed by the Leader that will force the city to release detailed salary information regarding bonus amounts paid to city employees.

It was both encouraging and maddening to read newly elected Councilwoman Emily Gabel-Luddy’s comment that this decision “doesn’t surprise” her (“Judge sides with the Leader,” May 21). We can only wonder why the city chose to waste taxpayer dollars fighting this in court, since it was obvious from the start that the city’s defense was weak, based on previous court rulings in similar matters.

At a time when cities are slashing budgets, stretching dollars, putting employees on furlough and cutting programs, good management and fiscal responsibility are especially critical. If the City Council decides to pursue an appeal, I hope the voters watch carefully when they see their elected officials make the irresponsible choice of foolishly attempting to protect what should be made public, rather than doing what is right for the entire community.

Phillip Hain

