
Please add Mimi¿s along with Walmart

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Ho hum, another letter in the ever-expanding and continuing saga of whether Walmart should be “allowed” into Burbank (“Walmart’s good, bad effects,” July 22).

It is called capitalism, folks. This NIMBY attitude never ceases to amaze me. What, Costco and the whole Empire Center stores don’t clog up the streets enough and put other retailers out of business (if they don’t stumble on their own)?

We are still in a swoon economically, and those of us who appreciate (indeed, need) Walmart’s prices and the competition they bring, welcome the retailer to our neighborhood.

If you do not approve, please don’t patronize the store, which, I predict, will be there, sooner or later.

My family and I are glad that we won’t have to drive to Van Nuys, Porter Ranch or Monrovia. Less gas spent means more money saved.

We will miss having breakfast at Mimi’s Cafe in Monrovia before our shopping, however, so let’s see about getting a Mimi’s nearby.

Gary Glasser

