
Walmart is far from a cure-all

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In response to the letter “New Walmart adds no new problems, but a larger tax base” on Aug. 27, a resident cynically assumes that concerned citizens opposed to Walmart must have a monetary stake in some other store as the reason for opposing Walmart.

I do have a monetary stake in wanting to keep Walmart out, and it is this: I do not want the value of my home to decrease. A study in Colorado in 2010 suggested that values of properties that are near a Walmart take a hit. Let’s do the math together: lower property values = a lower tax base.

As to the writer’s claim that there should no concern about whether other stores will be driven out of business — if stores are driven out of business, the tax base will most definitely not increase. Again, let’s do the math together: empty commercial property = a lower tax base.

The writer says competition is “the American Way.” There’s nothing less American than a predatory retailer. The math here is obvious, too: one pays lower prices for goods at Walmart but at what cost to American jobs? If you’re OK with that, then by all means you should shop at Walmart.

Wake up, Burbank. Walmart is not going to magically fix the city’s swimming pools or lower our water and power rates, as some fantasize.

Don’t be fooled by their promises of economic development. Walmart’s presence will be no economic panacea to Burbank.

Eric Harlacher

