
Build it and she will come

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I live in Burbank near Buena Vista Street and Burbank Boulevard, where there is a proposed Taco Bell to take over the old Conroy’s Flower shop (“Taco Bell plan cooks up resistance,” Aug. 20). There is a letter being circulated by a guy who does to want the Taco Bell built because of extra traffic.

I love Taco Bell. My four kids, ages 15 to 23, eat there a lot. I’m thrilled that a new Taco Bell will be just a few blocks away. I don’t think traffic will be a problem. It’s not a problem at Magnolia and Buena Vista now.

I did not have time to go to any hearings — just wanted to give a shout out to Taco Bell. Good cheap food that is consistent. And the people are very nice, even though they get my order wrong now and then.

I say more power to them. Build your Taco Bell at Buena Vista and Burbank Boulevard across from Blockbuster and 7-Eleven.

Feed the hungry — at a price that fits the times.

Diane Baxter

