
Not everyone is mayor material

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Three Burbank residents have spoken to the City Council in recent months complaining that the Burbank Charter does not state that every council member should rotate automatically and become vice mayor/mayor.

Translation: I am outraged that David Gordon has not been selected to be mayor.

One citizen opines that she plans to “remedy” that situation and see that the Charter is changed. They also blame Councilman Dave Golonski, believing that he successfully bullies the other three adult council members to vote as he does against Gordon’s ascension.

That’s hogwash! Not every City Council member is mayor material! Gordon is hardworking and probably well-intentioned, but he is often unable to build consensus among his colleagues, as evidenced by the fact that he is consistently on the losing end of votes.

Why is that, you might ask? I believe it is because he listens exclusively to a small vocal group of “activists” who see conspiracy and corruption everywhere. His “advisors” have made him oppositional and obstructionist.

He also talks way too much, asks too many irrelevant questions, listens too little and employs “gotcha” politics whenever he can.

It is clear to me and others that Gordon is not someone who can ever effectively lead the City Council and represent the city of Burbank to others in a way that would bring residents pride.

Pat Gafford

