
And, his ties are way too loud!

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Recently, Pat Gafford wrote that Councilman David Gordon was not “mayor material” (“Not everyone is mayor material,” Jan. 4). Some Burbank residents complained that Gordon is routinely passed over for mayoral appointments because of fellow Councilman Dave Golonski and his bullying tactics with other council members.

She felt that notion was hogwash.

Gafford suggested Gordon is passed over because he’s “unable to build consensus” and listens exclusively to “activists” who see “conspiracy and corruption everywhere.” He also “talks way too much” and “asks too many irrelevant questions.”

I’m guessing she thinks his ties are way too loud, as well.

Those of us who know David Gordon know he is a man of high integrity and ideals. Believe me, if you want someone fighting for the rights of Burbank citizens, look no further than Gordon. He believes the City Council Chamber is where you debate issues and ask the hard questions.

While I don’t think Gordon cares too much about ceremonial mayoral titles, I know his supporters do. It’s an embarrassment for our city that the selfish, spiteful whims of Golonski resonate each time a new, less accomplished councilperson is appointed mayor.

Gafford concludes that Gordon is definitely not mayor material, or someone who can represent Burbank and “bring residents pride.” Yet other council members who have been arrested for illegal gambling, who have pleaded guilty to drunk driving — apparently it’s just fine for them to serve as mayor.

If that’s your definition of pride, Gafford, that’s what I would call hogwash.

Arthur Booth

