
Gordon works to city’s best interests

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One thing is clear, Councilman David Gordon is intelligent and has the strength of resolve few have (“Not everyone is mayor material,” Jan. 4).

Every week at City Council meetings he stands up to disrespect, attempts to bully him, humiliate him and shut him down by Councilman Dave Golonski and his clique. Often, Golonski and his group appear to come to council meetings with their decisions made, with no intention of having public discussion.

Either they don’t want to waste their time in discussing business that comes before the council, or they don’t want their decision-making to see the light of day.

Gordon asks legitimate and pertinent questions that should be asked not only by him, but by all the council members. Gordon has fought continually for transparency in the decision-making process.

He is often on the losing end of votes because he never casts votes he believes are not in the best interests of the citizens of Burbank. I think the issue is not whether Gordon has the qualifications to be mayor — he most assuredly does — but when are the citizens of Burbank going to get fed up with the arrogance of others on the council and, next election, get out and vote for those whose only interest and motivation is what’s best for the citizens of Burbank?

I think Golonski and his Council of Faithful Followers are more interested in aligning themselves with influence and power and have forgotten they were elected as public servants, not influence-peddling politicians.

Janelle L. Piediscalzzi

