
Union should give up Walmart battle

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When the whole ruckus started months ago about the terror of adding Walmart to a shopping center that already has a Target, Lowe’s, and BevMo, I wrote a letter to the editor pointing out that the protest was union driven because of Walmart’s policy of not permitting labor organization of their staff.

The letter was not published, I am sure for a good reason.

Now we see the iceberg as the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local 770, sends its legal team into Burbank to fight the store on the basis it sells groceries (“Attorney threatens to sue over Walmart,” Jan. 28).

Huh? Doesn’t Target sell groceries?

As a retired 12-year resident of Burbank, I would love to have a Walmart closer to us than Van Nuys. I appreciate their low prices, which helps on my fixed income.

As an adjacent tenant of the Empire Center, it would challenge Target and might result in lower prices all around.

Find a better battle, UFCW Union.

Mig S. Heep

